вторник, 26 февраля 2013 г.

Brand New: Here's Your Smashing eBook Library Catalog

Dear Smashing Friend,
At Smashing Magazine, we have published many eBooks that bring together expert knowledge from some of the industry's most well-known experts. Our Smashing Library continues to grow everyday, and we're very excited to bring you the latest catalog featuring all of our eBooks, available for free download (PDF, 7.8 MB):


So, here is the deal: for just $99 (89,-€) a year you can get everything listed in the catalog and everything that will be produced during your subscription – at least 24 additional eBooks!

Of course, all books are also available separately, including our newly released in February: "Understanding Advanced JavaScript" and "Practical JavaScript Techniques". Subscribe to the Library now: http://smashed.by/library

Alas, happy reading and learning from the Black Forest capital Freiburg, Germany!

— The Editorial Team


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Smashing Magazine
Werthmannstr. 15
Freiburg 79098

вторник, 19 февраля 2013 г.

Smashing Newsletter #78: Design - Freebie - Workshops - Star Wars

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The Smashing Email Newsletter

Issue #78 | Tuesday, February 19th 2013 | 131,392 subscribers | Previous issues

Dear Friends,

Back in 2006, Smashing Magazine started out as a random blogging experiment initiated by two like-minded lovers of the Web, which has now become one of the world's leading online publishing companies in the field of Web design and Web development. We think it is high time that we present to you a Smashing mascot that represents our passion and what we stand for today. Ladies and gentlemen, please meet Cody!


Cody is a passionate little book that cares a lot about top-notch content just as much as we do. Perhaps some of you have already noticed: Cody is now to be seen in Smashing Magazine's footer, and also to be found in many other places—but we'll let you discover his hiding places yourself ;)

If you enjoy reading our articles, you'll love the Smashing eBook Library, where you can get immediate access to all the Smashing eBooks (70% off the regular prices!) and vote on the topics you'd like to learn more about. Subscribe today!

All the best,
The Smashing Editorial Team

Table of Contents

01. Freebie: Kitchen Cooking Vector Set
02. Designing An Underground Map: Moscow Metro (Case-Study)
03. Celebrating Every Minute Spent Outside
04. Seeking New Adventures In 2013
05. Manufacturing Processes Showcase
06. Blacklisting Malicious Code, With 5G Blacklist
07. A Mild Case Of Borderitis
08. Docverter: Converting Text Documents On The Fly
09. Cancel Your Account Or Subscription For Good: WikiCancel
10. Trails In The 'Star Wars' Galaxy
11. Smashing Highlights (From Archives)
12. New on Smashing Job Board
13. Recent Articles on Smashing Magazine

1. Freebie: Kitchen Cooking Vector Set

If you find yourself working on a project that could use vector illustrations of kitchen utensils, the search for good ones might turn out to be quite time-consuming. Well, not if you know exactly where to look for them.

Freebie: Kitchen Cooking Vector Set

James Michael Viola has been releasing a series of free vector illustrations on his blog, and next to a wilderness survival kit, a sci-fi pack, a bicycle set and a nautical set, he released a Kitchen Cooking Vector Set with common utensils such as cheese grater, knives, rolling pin, egg beaters and pasta strainer. All vectors are available in .EPS and .AI formats and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. You don't really have to search for a similar set ever again, do you? (vf)

2. Designing An Underground Map: Moscow Metro (Case-Study)

How would you design an... underground map? Well, drawing maps per se can be a quite sophisticated task, and if you consider designing metro maps, you can easily add a few levels of difficulty to it. Not only the "visible" parts of the network have to be shown on the map, but also their connection to an invisible counterpart, the underground city area, which has to be clearly presented on a very compact area with a relatively small size.

Designing An Underground Map: Moscow Metro (Case-Study)

The design case study on Moscow Metro Map 2.0, by the well-known Russian design agency Lebedev Studio, shows the steps of the elaborate process of designing an underground map, including small decisions on which angles, lines, connectors and colors to use and how to represent rivers, tourist attractions and even a bit of the landscape. The designers briefly discuss decisions made and rejected and explain how the design evolved through a series of iterations. An inspiring process worth looking into, with the map's evolution shown in 95 images. (tts)

3. Celebrating Every Minute Spent Outside

The moment you are reading this might be on a Tuesday at 11:44 am. It might be any other day and time. You might be inside. Do you have the slightest idea of what other people are experiencing, right now, beyond the borders of your own microcosm, outside? If you think you are ready to find out, then have a look at the REI 1440 Project.

Celebrating Every Minute Spent Outside

As you explore this interactive 24-hour timeline, the likelihood is high that you will get itchy feet and a serious thirst for adventure. The REI 1440 Project features photos of people in the outdoors — based on the minute of the day the shots were taken. It's a place of happy, shiny moments from all kinds of people hiking, snorkeling, jumping, playing or doing whatever else — outside. Feel like taking part? You can submit your picture directly from your mobile device or from Instagram or Facebook. (ea)

4. Seeking New Adventures In 2013

What other better way is there to spend the long cold winter evenings than to watch a movie or (even better!) listen to a conference talk from your very own living room couch. We have released some more Smashing Conference 2012 talks: You can now watch Lea Verou, Andy Clarke, Josh Brewer, Stephen Hay, Rachel Andrew, Jeremy Keith and Brad Frost in action on stage!

Seeking New Adventures In 2013

This year, we'll also be running a series of full-day Smashing Workshops in our home town Freiburg (Germany) with the most talented, skilled and passionate experts in the field of Web design. Here's a quick overview of the upcoming workshops in early 2013:

The workshops will convey practical tips and techniques that will prove to be very useful and valuable in your regular work. Trust us—you won't be disappointed. (il)

5. Manufacturing Processes Showcase

When you see a handmade object, a piece of art or a drawing do you ever wonder about it came to be, and what its production process was like? Are you eager to know what techniques the manufacturer applied to achieve the final product design? If the answer is yes, then Kontribit Documentaries Videos might help you satisfy your curiosity.

Manufacturing Processes Showcase

In this growing video collection, you will be able to watch short, concise films about the production of screen printing, letterpress, drawing with dots, design prototyping, woodturning, shaping of knives and swords, designing a photo camera case, among others. And, if you are an artisan yourself, you might as well add a documentary of your own working process! (tts)

6. Blacklisting Malicious Code, With 5G Blacklist

If you take a couple of minutes to look into the logs on your server, chances are high that you'll discover some quite surprising and... exotic URL requests that hit your website. Spammers and hackers are becoming better at finding and targeting evil exploits, bad requests and other nefarious garbage with the purpose of getting their hands on your data. Well, you can make it more difficult for them with a couple of extra directives in the .htaccess file.

Blacklisting Malicious Code, With 5G Blacklist

Jeff Starr's 5G Blacklist 2013 is a simple, flexible blacklist that checks all URI requests against a series of carefully constructed directives. It works well with WordPress, helping conserve bandwidth and server resources while protecting against malicious activity. To use it, include the entire 5G Blacklist in the root .htaccess file of your site. Make sure to backup your original file before making any changes.

If your site runs on Apache and you're familiar with .htaccess, the 5G is an effective way to secure your site against malicious HTTP activity. (vf)

7. A Mild Case Of Borderitis

The use of boxes and borders is a popular and common visual technique for structuring content on a website or showing hierarchy and relationships of items. These boxes usually serve their purpose very well, yet sometimes they can be counter-productive and create new design issues rather than solve them. And before you know it, your usability tests might suddenly diagnose your site with borderitis, a layout that is more complex and difficult to scan than necessary — just because too many boxes and borders are visible.

A Mild Case Of Borderitis

In the article "A Mild Case Of Borderitis," Dmitry Fadeyev raises a point about visual clutter often being introduced by too many boxes and borders converging, and he takes a closer look at solutions to this issue. By taking the example of Gandi's website, Fadeyev discusses how we can avoid border overkill and keep the website's interface lighter and less cluttered, as well as how to simplify the structuring of sections without losing any information. Agree? How many converging borders have you had in your recent design projects? (ea)

The Smashing Mobile Book

8. Docverter: Converting Text Documents On The Fly

If you ever needed to quickly convert a text document into a different format, you might have stumbled upon this open source tool that can save you lots of headaches and time. With Docverter, you can convert text documents into advanced formats with simple REST API calls. Essentially, it's a document conversion server with an HTTP interface.

Docverter: Converting Text Documents On The Fly

The tool wraps several popular open source projects such as pandoc, calibre and Flying Saucer. Among the input formats are HTML, Textile, Markdown or LaTeX. The library can convert input files into PDF, Microsoft Docx, OpenOffice ODT, ePUB, Mobi and MediaWiki, just to name a few. Conversion normally takes less then ten seconds depending on the output format.

But how does it work? Easy. When making an API request, Docverter runs your input documents through pandoc. Depending on your output selection, it then runs it through the particular converter (HTML → PDF or an eBook converter) and — voilá — a beautiful rendered document is generated and delivered to you. Worth bookmarking. (ml)

9. Cancel Your Account Or Subscription For Good: WikiCancel

In our industry, there is a tendency to subscribe to pretty much everything and then keep your account, even if you don't actively use it. After all, you never know where your next big project or contract will come from. Meanwhile, in the real world, people join LinkedIn or Meetup.com on a lark, but realize after a month that they don't use it. Or they want to finally remove their Facebook account for good. Then after an hour of attempting to close their account, they call you, their Web geek BFF. Now, you could try your hand at the labyrinthine unsubscription process, or you could just take a look at WikiCancel for the easiest way to go about it.

Cancel Your Account Or Subscription For Good: WikiCancel

This wiki project's goal is to make unsubscribing from newsletters, closing accounts and cancelling contracts much easier. The website already has the step-by-step process for some of the bigger companies, but your additions to the list will be greatly appreciated. So be a hero to your friends and either pass on the link or reap all the glory and describe how they can finally close that Facebook account once and for all. The project is a work in progress and contributions are welcome and encouraged. (jc)

10. Trails In The 'Star Wars' Galaxy

"That's right, Artoo. We're going to the Dagobah system. I have a promise to keep... to an old friend." For those of you this quote just sent on a quick jaunt to Never Never Land, there's a new, wonderfully detailed map of the "Star Wars" Galaxy.

Trails In The 'Star Wars' Galaxy

Reddit user DrPoole has created a (very) detailed and quite comprehensive digital map of the Star Wars Universe (2400 × 1695 pixels). Track the epic journey of Han, Luke, Chewie, Leia and the other heroes of George Lucas's galactic saga. The map also shows the routes taken by the characters in each movie sequel. Now, if this wouldn't make a great wallpaper for every Star Wars fan, what would?! (jc)

11. Smashing Highlights (From Archives)

  • Design Process In The Responsive Age
    An insightful look into an evolving design process that Drew Clemens has been using with some promising new deliverables and tools. This should provide a starting point for you to freshen up your own process and bring it into the responsive age.

  • iCandies: Free Icons For Your User Interfaces and Apps
    60 high quality icons that provide crisp, attractive visuals for your modern and fashionable-looking interfaces. Available in 64×64px, 48×48px and 32×32px (.EPS, .AI and .PNG).

  • Applying Macrotypography For A More Readable Web Page
    This article focuses mostly on a few simple macrotypographic techniques—with a dash of micro—and on how to combine them all to build a more harmonious, adaptable and, most importantly, readable Web page.

12. New on Smashing Job Board

Here are the job openings published recently at our very own Smashing Job Board:

  • Web Design Rockstars - Long Term Freelance at Kinetix Design (Remote - USA Only)
    Kinetix is a rapidly growing web and e-commerce design agency. We're searching for creative web design rockstars to join our team as freelancers. We are looking for long term relationships with talented designers, with the opportunity for part-time or full-time positions in the long run.

  • PHP / Social Media Programming at CityBlast.com / SocialHP.com (Remote)
    SocialHP and CityBlast are pioneering a technology we're calling "mass social media publishing". We're pushing the envelope of what's possible with social media which means you'll be pushed to your personal limits too! We're a team of 7 from all over the world (Canada, United Kingdom, Portugal and United States) and it's a pretty laid back environment but obviously we are focused on the quality of code that we deliver.

  • Web Designer at FusionCharts (Bangalore, India)
    At FusionCharts, we build data visualization components that spread delight, a good part of which is visual delight.

13. Recent Articles on Smashing Magazine

Join our community: follow us on Twitter and join us on Facebook

The contributors are: Iris Lješnjanin (il), Vitaly Friedman (vf), Sven Lennartz (sl), Esther Arends (ea), Melanie Lang (ml), Jan Constantin (jc), Talita Telma-Stöckle (tts), Christiane Rosenberger (research), Elja Friedman (tools), Ricardo Gimenes (graphics), Clarissa Peterson (proofreading)

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вторник, 5 февраля 2013 г.

Smashing Newsletter #77: Mobile - Inspiration - UX - Photography

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The Smashing Email Newsletter

Issue #77 | Tuesday, February 5th 2013 | 130,198 subscribers | Previous issues

Dear Friends,

Our brand new Mobile Book was a labor of love. But the love doesn't just stop there! We're giving away 20 exclusive A3-sized (11.6 × 16.5 inches) poster sets designed and created by the oh-so-talented Mike Kus, whose abstract illustrations are featured throughout the Mobile Book.


How can you get your hands on one of these posters, you ask? All you need to do is comment on this post. If you haven't got the Mobile Book yet, you can still get your book today! The hardcover book features everything you need to know as a designer, developer or mobile strategist to be prepared for the future.

Kind Regards,
The Smashing Editorial Team

Table of Contents

01. Swiss Modernism: The Punk Way
02. Your Own Remote Mobile Lab
03. Jam For The Soul
04. The Photographic Journal
05. Seeking New Adventures: Smashing Workshops
06. Designing Empty States, Intro Videos and UIs
07. Travelling Library Of… Sketchbooks
08. Stories And Faces Of Graphic Design
09. Smashing Highlights (From Archives)
10. New on Smashing Job Board
11. Recent Articles on Smashing Magazine

1. Swiss Modernism: The Punk Way

What do Foo Fighters, Iggy Pop, Radiohead, Pearl Jam, and Patti Smith have in common with Swiss Modernism? Hardly anything. Well, at least at first sight. Swissted proves otherwise. The personal project of New York-based graphic designer Mike Joyce combines both his love for punk rock and Swiss Modernism by redesigning old show flyers into typographic posters.

Swiss Modernism: The Punk Way

The still-growing collection already contains hundreds of vintage punk, hardcore, New Wave and indie rock posters of shows that have actually taken place. Each design is set in lowercase Berthold Akzidenz-Grotesk Medium and comes with the bold and clear look that is characteristic of Swiss graphic design. A rich source for typography and music lovers alike that is a real pleasure to look at. (cm)

2. Your Own Remote Mobile Lab

Every Web designer will know this one — and groan sympathetically. You've just finished designing your new website. It's mobile first or responsive or just optimized for mobile and looks great on your mobile phone. Now comes testing on other mobile platforms. And this is where the headaches usually start. If only you could preview it simultaneously in different mobile formats from the get-go. Remote Preview to the rescue!

Your Own Remote Mobile Lab

Viljami Salminen's JavaScript library allows you to preview a URL on a variety of mobile platforms simultaneously. Copy and paste all files to a public Dropbox folder/server/localhost, edit the "url" file and wait for devices to refresh. The script makes an Ajax call every 1100 ms to see if anything has changed. And here's the kicker: it has browser support for Andorid, BlackBerry, iOS, Mac OS X, Maemo, Meego, Symbian, Symbian Belle, WebOS, Windows Phone and Windows 7. This little tool is one big mobile lab rolled into a relatively tiny bit of code. Ingenious! (jc)

3. Jam For The Soul

Ever noticed how a live concert always sounds better than a recording? The recording will usually be much more perfect, with clean sound and no wrong notes; it's the idea of a music piece. Live, however, you hear and feel the soul of the artist. And if you live in a town or city with few live music events, you can find yourself traveling long distances to experience the heart of music. Maybe The After Bedtime Sessions can offer some succor.

Jam For The Soul

Drew and Lacey Williams's live recordings of evening jam sessions with friends aren't antiseptic, they're all heart, all music and wrapped in a well-designed site. Their sweet, and at times melancholy, bluegrass songs will transport you back to those late-night jam sessions with friends. Whether you were playing or just letting the music and warmth flow over you, the moment was always displaced out of time. This is what a jam session should do; this is how Drew and Lacey's music makes one feel — temporally suspended in a bubble of soulfulness. (jc)

4. The Photographic Journal

It's true that most people don't have only one passion or talent, and it's the same with designers. If having to choose between illustration, typography, lettering or photography means to sacrifice the other ones… then how about combining all of them?

The Photographic Journal

This was exactly what Agustin Sanchez and Dan Rubin did when they created the Photographic Journal. Every two weeks, they publish photo contributions that display modern photographer's intent, process, and drive to create. The goal of the project is to study those who maintain the craftsmanship of the past and who wake up every day to try again. The curators are constantly looking for contributors — so if you have a passion for photography, maybe you can submit your photo and story as well. (tts)

5. Seeking New Adventures: Smashing Workshops

We are always looking for new challenges that go beyond the scope of our regular work, and we are never afraid of new adventures. Last year, we organized a series of meetups and our very first Smashing Conference—both fantastic opportunities for us to connect with our readers and create memorable, exciting and unique experiences that delivered value for everybody involved!

Seeking New Adventures: Smashing WorkshopsSeeking New Adventures: Smashing Workshops

This year, we'll be running a series of full-day Smashing Workshops with the most talented, skilled and passionate experts in the field of Web design. The workshops will take place in our home town Freiburg (Germany) just at the foot of the legendary Black Forest. Here's a quick overview of the upcoming workshops:

Trust us—you won't be disappointed. The workshops convey practical tips and techniques that will prove to be very useful and valuable in your regular work. And, of course, we would be honored to meet you! (vf)

6. Designing Empty States, Intro Videos and UIs

Everything is just like you intended it to be: the user gets to your landing page, finds the wonderful, shiny call to action and signs up for your service. You've persuaded the user to download your application, yet your job isn't done yet. Now it's time to convince the user to actually use it, too. That's why onboarding is so important, and that's why the design of "empty states" — the screens the user sees when just starting to use the application — is so critical.

Designing Empty States, Intro Videos and UIs

If you don't quite know how to engage your users to get started, look at Craig M. Dennis's Empty States tumblog. Craig collects both good and not-so-good examples of empty states, showing you what you might want to try out and what you might want to avoid in your design. You might also want to check out AppScreens: Demo Videos as well as Content & Chrome, a blog that collects interesting UI concepts and demos, as well as links to quotes and useful articles. (vf)

7. Travelling Library Of… Sketchbooks

As creators of art, we tend to see our artwork as an online artifact of its time. Perhaps as something that exists only within the boundaries of our online reach, be it our online portfolio, online shop or design-related blog posts. But what if we actually sent our artwork on a real, physical journey throughout the world?

Travelling Library Of… Sketchbooks

That's what the Sketchbook Project is all about. It's an ongoing project that attempts to reach as many people in as many places with as many books as possible. Artists and designers are encouraged to get an official campaign sketchbook (costs $25 or $60), register it for a tour using the attached bar code, start drawing and sketching, mail it back to the organizers and pick a tour, and then the sketchbook will go on its own journey.

Once the tour is finished, the book is added to the Brooklyn Art Library in New York, which already includes over 26,000 sketchbooks from over 130 countries. A fantastic opportunity to explore your own creative skills and become a part of a digital artifact of its own. (vf)

8. Stories And Faces Of Graphic Design

If you are the type of person who loves to delve into history and discover remarkable people and what they created, then you will love to delve into the AZ Project. This unique publication takes you on a journey through the evolution of and fundamental approaches to international graphic design — through a series of articles and illustrations about some grand people and their projects, from A to Z.

Stories And Faces Of Graphic Design

Read about Xanti Schwawinsky who designed the poster for Olivetti's first portable typewriter, MP1, or learn how Otl Aicher designed the crane in flight Lufthansa logo in the 1960s. AZ Project is a graphic design project by Dario Russo and Pasquale Volpe, and is a unique tool for students, teachers and researchers, as well as anyone else who is interested in the field of graphic design. The publication is also available for free download as PDF. (ea)

9. Smashing Highlights (From Archives)

  • Design Process In The Responsive Age
    An insightful look into an evolving design process that Drew Clemens has been using with some promising new deliverables and tools. This should provide a starting point for you to freshen up your own process and bring it into the responsive age.

  • iCandies: Free Icons For Your User Interfaces and Apps
    60 high quality icons that provide crisp, attractive visuals for your modern and fashionable-looking interfaces. Available in 64×64px, 48×48px and 32×32px (.EPS, .AI and .PNG).

  • Applying Macrotypography For A More Readable Web Page
    This article focuses mostly on a few simple macrotypographic techniques—with a dash of micro—and on how to combine them all to build a more harmonious, adaptable and, most importantly, readable Web page.

10. New on Smashing Job Board

Here are the job openings published recently at our very own Smashing Job Board:

  • Frontend Developer at Seso Media Group (Los Angeles, CA)
    At Seso we build digital experiences that matter by curating complex data sets into compelling stories. Our human-centric approach allows our clients to move their audiences through playful interaction. We work with healthcare, museum, science and government partners as well as major brands and organizations around ideas that make a difference in the world.

  • Interaction Designer at Everlane (Los Angeles, CA )
    At Everlane, we're rethinking the way retail works. We have no physical stores, no middlemen taking their cut and no crazy brand markups. Instead, we design our own luxury basics and sell them exclusively at Everlane.com.

  • Freelance/Contract Web Designer at Center for American Progress (Washington DC)
    The Center for American Progress is looking for a web designer to help with occasional design work on a number of projects. We're looking for an experienced, professional web designer with a knack for modern, semantic, responsive, standards-based design. He or she should be able to create and refine site designs that not only look great, but adapt to a wide range of platforms, devices, and screen sizes.

11. Recent Articles on Smashing Magazine

Join our community: follow us on Twitter and join us on Facebook

The authors are: Cosima Mielke (cm), Jan Constantin (jc), Talita Telma Stöckle (tts), Esther Arends (ea), Lindsay McComb (lm), Iris Lješnjanin (il), Vitaly Friedman (vf), Sven Lennartz (sl), Christiane Rosenberger (research), Elja Friedman (tools), Clarissa Peterson (proofreading).

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