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Dear Friends, Here at Smashing Magazine, improving usability is a never-ending story. We keep experimenting, tweaking, adjusting as well as refining, and are always grateful for constructive and valuable feedback from our dear readers. For Smashing Magazine's design process, we use something that we call a "chameleon" approach to design. Instead of working towards big bang milestones or final designs, we always explore various (sometimes entirely different) solutions, and switch a variation on for a fixed period of time to test how well it performs—and finally measure the results. New Smashing eBooks Page You might have noticed our new Smashing eBooks page which we've created to provide you with a more clear and compact overview of our eBooks. We've also included links to Amazon and the Apple iBookstore where the books are available, too. The eBooks page has now been integrated into the magazine so you can add eBooks to the cart without actually leaving Smashing Magazine's pages.  Perhaps you've stumbled upon some other subtle changes on Smashing Magazine already, and you definitely will notice more changes coming soon. We are working on refinements of the mobile version and the main navigation, and we'd sincerely appreciate your feedback—either via feedback{at}smashing-media{dot}com or via Twitter using #smfeedback . As dry as optimizations may sometimes be, every process can breed new ideas for even greater projects. Let's make the Web a better place—one UX tweak, one media query, or even with one bug fix at a time. Thank You! We would also like to sincerely thank everyone who has supported our publication efforts by resorting to our printed Smashing Books and eBooks. We appreciate your trust and we will keep doing our best to make sure that you won't be disappointed. All the best, The Smashing Team | | | | |
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